Parish of Greenside

Parochial Church Council (PCC)

Our Parochial Church Council (PCC), is made up of Greenside Parish clergy, churchwardens and some representatives elected at the annual parochial church meeting of the parish. Its powers and duties are defined by certain Acts of Parliament and other legislation. The PCC co-operates with Revd Tom in promoting the mission of the Church in its parish.

PCC Members and guest at Shepheds Dene Away Day

Formally, the PCC is responsible for:

  • the financial affairs of the church
  • care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents

Greenside PCC Members:

  • Vicar Revd Tom Brazier
  • Church Wardens Beth Gascoigne and David Smith    
  • Secretary Paddy Gascoigne
  • Co-Warden Dick Hamilton
  • Treasurer Simon Longshaw
  • Doreen Drake; Val Gardener, Dawn Wallace, Simon Spencer, Sandra Bosman, Frank Guinness.
  • Ex Officio Rosemary Hendry, Denise Clayson, Paul Hobbs.
  • Layreader Kathryn Frederiksen.

No-one over 18 can be elected to the PCC until they have been Electoral Roll members for 6 months. People under the age of 18 can be elected to the PCC from their 16th birthday.

The Electoral Roll is the list of names and addresses of a church’s membership. Every person listed on the Roll is eligible to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) usually held around March to April each year.  Anyone eligible who is not already a member and wishes to be can fill out an application form. Click here to download a copy of the Electoral Roll Form. For more information contact Paddy Gascoigne, Electoral Roll Officer