Parish of Greenside
Upcoming Services
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Church calendar
Join us every weekday at 9.30am on Facebook for morning prayer and follow along with the prayers here.
Our church buildings are open to all, for quiet reflection and prayer during the week:
St John's Church, Greenside. Mon to Fri: 9.30am - 3.30pm
Church Calendar: Click here
Memorial Service
Sunday 24 November 6pm St John's Church
We all know that it can be difficult to come to terms with the loss of those we care about. It takes time. And so we invite you to join us in a Memorial Service of songs and prayers, where you may light a candle in St John's church, in their memory.
'May God shield you and surround you, hold your sorrows and wipe your tears, and when you are ready, lift your faces and walk with you into the light of a new day. And the blessing of God almighty, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen'.
For more information, please click here to email Revd Rosemary Hendry.
'Free to Be' Service, followed by Eucharist
May we warmly invite you to our monthly 6pm service at St John's Church, Greenside, held on the 2nd Sunday of the month. It's led by a church member, with Revd Tom Brazier, Vicar of Greenside, usually presiding at Holy Communion. Remaining dates for 2024 are 8 Sept; 13 Oct; 10 Nov.
Compline Service, followed by Eucharist
May we warmly invite you to our monthly 6pm service at St John's Church, Greenside, held on the 4th Sunday of the month. It's led by church members, with Revd Rosemary Hendry usually presiding at Holy Communion. Remaining dates for 2024 are 25 Aug; 22 Sept; 27 Oct.
On 24 November, we will be holding a special Memorial Service - details to follow near the time.
Footprints - Baby and Toddler group
Our popular Baby and Toddler group has reopened.
Come along to meet other mums, dads and carers with their babies and toddlers.
Thursday 10 am - 11am, during term time at St John's Community Hall.
Open to all. £1 per family
Lindisfarne Care Home, Crawcrook
Join in the Singing!
We are back again at Lindisfarne Care Home in Crawcrook. Our monthly service is usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, starting at 10.30am and is open to residents, their visitors and staff. For more information click here to contact Mike Hendry.