Parish of Greenside

Prayer Spaces

Each term a small team of us heads off for our local primary schools for Prayer Spaces.

We have thought about what prayer stations are to be set up, collected all the materials needed and are then looking forward to meeting the children who come along, one class at a time. 

Prayer Spaces starts with a chat about prayer and then we invite the children to enjoy the activities set up around the room. All activities are explained to the children before they make a start on them and all activities are voluntary to participate in.


The Team create amazing Prayer Spaces and cover issues such as forgiveness, hopes and dreams, saying sorry, light in the darkness, 'friendship' flowers, the cardboard box (which raises awareness of homelessness), flags of the world and many, many more. If you want to know about 'Fizzy Forgiveness', then Prayer Spaces is the place to be!


It is so very satisfying to help our young children and I guarantee they bless us abundantly in their responses. And a special thanks also goes to the friendly staff at the schools involved.